Fàilte do bhlog na còisir! Cha chreid sinne gu bheil blog aig gin a chòisir eile. Nach sinne tha adhartach! An ath-cheum ‘s e làrach lìn ceart fhaighinn ach san eadar-ama gheibh thu beagan fiosrachaidh mun chòisir, deilbh, criomagan ciùil, naidheachdan agus caochladh rudan eile air an larach-sa.
Welcome to Inverness Gaelic Choir’s blog site. Until we get around to getting an official web page you can find out a bit more about us here.
This is the bit where we tell you all about the history of the choir, past glories, mod campaign stories etc etc but not quite yet!
A bheil guth seinn agad? A’ bheil thu a’ fuireach meadhanach faisg air Inbhir Nis? (àite sam bith air a’ Ghaidhealtachd!) Carson nach tig thu a sheinn cuide rinn? Bhiodh fàilte mhòr chridheil romhad!
You don’t have to speak Gaelic. You don’t even have to read music. If you like to sing why not come along. We meet in Crown Primary School every Wednesday night from 7.30 to 9.30. You would be made very welcome. No pressure either. Come along, see what you think and if it’s not your cup of tea then no problem.
If you would like to find out a bit more first then give us an e-mail..